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As you may have read my other posts, now you know that I make translating as one of my income generators. At times I get an order of translating from people who want to have their English articles for assignment to be translated into Indonesian since they do not understand English. When this kind of order comes at the time when I am too busy doing other project I have to share this order with another translator. But sometimes it is not easy to find a translator whom I can trust to do the job for me. This is the reason why I invite you all who are capable of translating text from English into Indonesian and vice versa.
To ensure that you are the one whom I can rely on for substituting me as a translator I need to know the quality of your translation, your email address, and your cell phone number for me to contact you if you can fulfil my requirement. Do not hesitate to let me know how much you are normally paid per page if you have ever done any translation in the past. If you are a new translator, do not be shy or hesitant to tell me how much you want to be paid per page of translated work typed on 1.5 line spacing on a letter paper. I am glad to have you all as partners in doing translation projects. By having your contact number, I will be able to contact you when I need to share my translation projects.
To know you better, please introduce yourself to me via comment or email if necessary. Please email me at : majelis.translator@gmail.com
To show me your translation skills, please translate the following paragraphs as instructed:
1. Translate these paragraphs into proper Bahasa Indonesia:
Planning without action is unproductive; action without planning can be counterproductive. Planning without action is like having a multiple personality disorder. You want, talk and long about having, being or doing something, yet, you do nothing about it.
The opposite is also true, as the habit of action without planning carries a high degree of risk and decreases probability of success. Living this way is like playing poker without looking at your hand. You may get an occasional win but you're still a complete knucklehead. (From "The Benefits of Planning" by Gary Ryan Blair)
2. Translate the following paragraphs into proper English.
Kura-kura laut dibagi menjadi dua jenis. Satu jenis, disebut si punggung kulit (leatherback), terbungkus dengan kulit yang menyerupai kulit sapi. Dibawah lapisan kulit ini terdapat cangkang yang terbuat dari tulang rawan dan ribuan tulang-tulang sangat kecil. Tulang rawan membentuk punggung yang menonjol yang memberikan si punggung kulit penampilan yang unik. Si punggung kulit merupakan yang terbesar dari semua kura-kura laut dan yang paling luas penyebarannya. Ia tinggal jauh ke tengah laut kecuali pada musim bertelur.
Kura-kura laut memiliki banyak kerabat kura-kura hidup, termasuk kura-kura air tawar, kura-kura snapping, tortoises, dan kura-kura bercangkang lembut. Semua kura-kura ini tinggal baik di tanah maupun di air tawar. Kura-kura laut adalah satu-satunya kura-kura yang hidup di air asin dari samudera-samudera dunia.